Our Values

  • Jesus is our message.

    Our primary focus is to share the good news of Jesus with people who are far from God and to teach people how to follow Him. The message of Jesus, the Gospel, literally means “good news” and this good news is the central message of our church. Methods will come and go, yet our message will remain the same. Jesus is our message.

    Matthew 28:18-20, Colossians 1:15-29, Romans 1:16-17

  • People are our priority.

    Our love for God is revealed through our love for people. We believe that people matter to God, so they matter to us. People are our greatest asset. So, we value, celebrate, invest, and encourage them. We love all people regardless of race, gender or socioeconomic background.

    We are committed to doing anything short of sin to reach the lost for Jesus. Thrive City is a reaching church, a rescuing church, and an inviting church. We are a welcoming church and a “do whatever it takes” church because people are our priority.

    John 3:16, Luke 15, Luke 19:10

  • Faith is our perspective

    We carry the perspective of faith. Faith in God who loves us and is working to complete what He started in us. We live faith-filled, believing that God can and will work on our behalf. This perspective gives us the ability to move forward into our future filled with confidence that the best is yet to come.

  • Passion is our response.

    We believe that the only response for all that Jesus has done for us is a life lived with passion. We believe that passion is contagious, and we choose to be passionate in our worship, prayers, serving, giving, and our response through the preaching of God’s Word. We are unapologetic about our passion and seek to respond to what God is doing in us through appropriate and meaningful expressions.

    Deuteronomy 6:5, Matthew 22:37-40

  • Excellence is our standard.

    We believe that excellence honors God, inspires people, and creates comfort. We believe that the most excellent message deserves the most excellent presentation. We believe that excellence is about doing the little things in a big way. God is into the details, so we are into details. We are passionate about creating excellent environments and experiences for people to encounter God. We will always do our very best with what we have. If we are going to do it, we are going to do it to the best of our ability. We hold a high standard of excellence for every area of our church. Excellence is our standard.

    Colossians 3:23-24, Daniel 6:3, 1 Kings 10

  • Generosity is our privilege.

    We believe that Christians should be known as the most generous people. We should give cheerfully, regularly, and sacrificially. We believe that we should live with open hands always ready to give and receive. We believe in tithe and offerings motivated by grace, not guilt. Our church is not built on the generosity of a few but on the sacrifice and generosity of many. We’re generous with our time, talents, and treasure. God has given richly towards us; therefore, it’s our privilege to give back to Him. Generosity is our privilege.

    Malachi 3:10, Proverbs 11:24-26, 2 Corinthians 8 & 9

  • Serving is our calling.

    We believe that every person has a calling to serve others. Serving others is one of the most fulfilling parts of the Christian life. Serving is not something we do; serving is who we are. We believe that anyone can be great because anyone can serve. At Thrive City our position is that if you're too big to serve, you're too small to lead. We believe saved people serve people. We are contributors, not consumers. Serving is not an option. Serving is our calling.

    1 Peter 4:10, Matthew 23:11, Mark 10:35